Source Community: Power BI | Source Author Name: Cyrilbrd Measure 2 = divide( calculate(sum(Main[Value1]),Main[code_cleaned] ="88-NL-A"),sum(Main[Value1])) Pero todavía obtengo un resultado incorrecto. Message 6 of 11 391 Views 0 Reply Syndicate_Admin Administrator In response ...
In "result/summary table" i will summarize the values from table 1 and table 2. In Excel i have written following formula for cell L4 (budget) = SUMIFS(D:D;B:B;J:J;C:C;K:K). How do i write this formula in Power BI dax? Do i need to use measure or calculated colum or ...
In "result/summary table" i will summarize the values from table 1 and table 2. In Excel i have written following formula for cell L4 (budget) = SUMIFS(D:D;B:B;J:J;C:C;K:K). How do i write this formula in Power BI dax? Do i need to use measure or calculated colum or ...
Hello everyone, I'm just starting with Power BI and Power Query and I'm trying to do a new measure like a SUMIF in Excel. I tried to use Group By, but didn't work like I need. I have rows with date and price, and I need to sum every line with date before the actual month...
In response to moeconsult 03-02-2020 06:02 PM @moeconsult - What you have is a measure totals problem. Very common. See my post about it here:, this Quick Measure, Measure Totals...
In response to Anonymous 11-16-2018 02:15 AM @Anonymous The syntax is correct. I tested it on my machine. Make sure you are creating a new measure and no column. Also make sure the column names and tables are correct Message 4 of 11 1,042 Views 0 Reply Anonymous Not appli...
@Anonymous , You can replace grand total with this total, Create a measure and use if(isinscope(Table[Category]), Sum(Table[Value]) ,calculate( Sum(Table[Value]) , Table[Category] in {"A", "B"}) ) or you have to follow the approch Power BI Formatted P&L with Custom Sub Totals...
@Anonymous , You can replace grand total with this total, Create a measure and use if(isinscope(Table[Category]), Sum(Table[Value]) ,calculate( Sum(Table[Value]) , Table[Category] in {"A", "B"}) ) or you have to follow the approch Power BI Formatted P&L with Custom Sub Totals...
I have a Measure to calculate the Min and the Max points that you can get per question. Both take into account the weight. (multiplier) _MinPQ =VAR QuestionType = SELECTEDVALUE('Questions'[Weight Type])VAR Multiplier = SELECTEDVALUE('Questions'[WeightQ]) RETURNIF(QuestionType...
Not like Measures, Calculate Tables/Columns are computed during the database processing(e.g. data refresh) and then stored in the mode, so they don't respond to user selections on the report. In this scenario, I would suggest you create a measure to calculate the %, th...