When you try to add up times values, theSUMIFfunction might not appear to be working. Here, we want to sum up the working hours of date1-Mar-23. The working time values are inHH:MM:SSformat. We used this formula in cellC19: =SUMIF(E5:E16,C18,F5:F16) The formula is 100% accu...
I'm trying to create a formula that will allow me to sum totals, based on another criteria in a table (so basically a SUMIF), but I only want to sum totals...
Why is my SUMIF formula not working? There could be several reasons why Excel SUMIF is not working for you. Sometimes, your formula does not return what you expect only because the data type in a cell or in some argument isn't suited for the SUMIF function. Below is a list of impor...
Formula: =SUMPRODUCT((Data!B2:I2>A1)*Data!B3:I3) Row B2:I2 on Data looks like this. 10/4/201210/5/2012 Since I need to get the SUM of values within a filtered date range, pursuing this as an alternative doesn't seem useful to me. The solution I posted above is working. Alex ...
Sumif formula need help I am trying to learn SUMIF. The examples given on the online examples are coming out as 0 on my spreadsheet? Both 1 and 2? Even though the function is working in another workbook. As I am trying to use it for something else I need to understand why it isn...
Formula Not WorkingIf your formula isn’t working or showing an error, you might need the following checklist to find the problem.1. Check the formats of dates and numbers. 2. Use correct operators with logic. 3. Follow the formula syntax accurately. 4. Make sure all the ranges are of ...
this formula not working i want to change background color if sum of cells following the criteria =SUMIF(A1:A6,{"abc","efg"},C1:C6) is less than 10 Reply Svetlana Cheusheva says: 2015-07-07 at 10:40 am Hello Burhan, You cannot use arrays in SUMIF's arguments. Instead you can...
If you have a small spreadsheet, testing and debugging your SUMIF formula will be much easier, so we recommend testing your function on a smaller scale before moving it over to your more official spreadsheet. If you have any issues or the formula isn't working properly, you can brainstorm...
SUMIF not working Hi, I have a very simple formula: =SUMIF(C49:C58,"James",A49:A58) The values in Column A are being pulled from another sheet in the same workbook and are correct. I've checked for any errors (like extra spaces) in Column C. Instead of summing my results, I ...
sumif formula sumifs Replies: 2 Forum: Excel Questions S Sum if the first 5 characters match Hello, I am working with two tables (both shown below). I want to be able to populate Column B in Table 2 by writing a lookup (I assume it's a variation of SUMIF) that will look at...