人气景点浅草、东京晴空塔之间交通又更方便了!东武铁道在东武晴空塔线「浅草」站与「东京晴空塔」站间的高架桥下,打造了一座结合购物、美食与饭店的复合式设施「东京MIZUMACHI」(东京ミズマチ),并增设SUMIDA RIVER WALK步道桥,连接浅草地区与东京晴空塔城!以后不用搭电车也能轻松逛完东京下町啦!▋东京自由...
景點 Jun 18, 2020 淺草新景點誕生 TOKYO mizumachi 享受河岸邊的愜意 景點 這樣走 從淺草到東京晴空塔最快 SUMIDA RIVER WALK步道橋直線連結兩地 WAsUP!精選文章日本のパワースポットや温泉などを詳しく紹介
SUMIDA RIVER WALK・地址:东京都台东区花川戸一丁目1番地~东京都墨田区向岛一丁目1番地・开幕日期:2020年6月18日・开放时间:7:00~22:00东京MIZUMACHI(东京ミズマチ)・地址:东京都墨田区向岛1丁目 2020年东京各个角落诞生不少新型商业设施、观光景点也陆续开幕,旅人们就准备好机票和旅费,开心期待...
SUMIDA RIVER WALK 入口處 橋上風光 東武鐵道同時計畫在隅田川橋梁旁,新開設一條步道橋,等於串連起淺草寺、北十間川區域與東京晴空塔城,也成為淺草前往晴空塔最快速的步行捷徑,將在2020年4月13日開通。而為了讓淺草一帶更方便觀光,也預計在2020年夏季開設新的淺草東武飯店,飯店離雷門只需步行1分鐘,到時候一定也...
淺草到晴空塔捷徑?東京新景點Sumida River Walk和TOKYO Mizumachi日夜景一次看 觀光 東京 sumidariversidewalk tokyo mizumachi 新景點 FEATURED MEDIA 全部文章 Previous Odaiba's DiverCity Tokyo Plaza is home to the famous real-size 20m-tall Unicorn Gundam, and the popular shopping center has even more ...
Tokyo, Sumida River Walk to Asakusa Senso-ji temple Tour Lost on what to do to enjoy in Japan? Fear not! Let gotcha be your guide and support you! Immerse yourself in Tokyo's heartbeat with our unique tours! From sumptuous sweets to historic temples and serene river cruises, our experien...
🐴第③站 TOKYO mizumachi 从SUMIDA RIVER WALK下来后,过一条马路,就到了位于墨田公园内的TOKYOmizumachi。 这里是以“Live to Trip”主题的休闲购物长廊,有各种商店、餐厅、交流型酒店、运动中心、生活方式主题...
Top Things to Do at Sumida River Terrace Enjoy a Scenic Walk The walking paths along the Sumida River are perfect for a relaxing stroll. The pathways are well-maintained and provide unobstructed views of the river, cherry blossom trees, and the city’s skyline. Thi...
Located near the river, Sumida Park is a green spot, which enables you to get a good peek into the lifestyles of the locals. One gets to see them setting up tents & indulging in their favourite pastimes with families and friends. Read more Review of: Sumida Park Written May 2...
La Krasse Sumidais also conveniently located near various public transportation options. The hotel is just a short walk away from Sumida City Station, making it easy to access different parts of Tokyo. From here, you can easily explore popular attractions such as the Tokyo Skytree, Asakusa ...