Eksistensi Penetapan Batas Wilayah Zee Indonesia Dan Filipina Kaitannya Dengan Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Alam Hayati Maupun Non-Hayati Di Perairan Zee Di Wilayah Perairan Pulau MiangasThe title of this legal writting/thesis is: "The Existence of De...
摘要: In the perspective of environmental law, welfare which is the political goal of national law is not enough to be based only on the rule of law and democracy, but must also be based on the principles of the utilization of natural resources and environmental management. The principle ...
STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI KEBIJAKAN PERLINDUNGAN DAN PENGELOLAAN SUMBER DAYA ALAM DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP BERDASARKAN KEARIFAN LOKAL DI KABUPATEN TASIKMALAYA The purpose of this study was to determine the Communication Strategy Policy on the Protection and Management of Natural Resources and Environment based on......
PEMANFAATAN SUMBER DAYA HAYATI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL JAGUNG DI DESA CILELES KECAMATAN JATINANGORdoi:10.24198/dharmakarya.v13i1.50356Efforts to understand farmers about the use of biological resources to be used as liquid organic fertilizer need to be...
OPTIMALISASI PEMANFAATAN SUMBER DAYA HAYATI RAMBUTAN KELENGKENG DESA KARANGREJO, BOROBUDUR KABUPATEN MAGELANG MELALUI OKULASIp>ABSTRACT Karangrejo village, subdistrict of Borobudur, Magelang regency has Punthuk Setumbu as a very beautiful place to watch the sunrise from the peak of Mounts Merapi...