SumatraPDF是一款开源的、免费、小巧的pdf阅读器,Sumatra PDF 是Windows平台上一款免费阅读器, 它支持打开 PDF, ePub, MOBI, SPS, DjVu, CHM, CBZ 和 CBR 格式。 基本简介 SumatraPDF,风靡全球的免费PDF阅读器这是一款体积小巧的PDF阅读器,具有效率高速度快的优点。对于大体积的pdf文件支持的也很好哟!喜欢用电脑...
Open in new window › Category: Others - EBooks (5) PDF - Readers (10) Productivity - Document Viewers (11) Graphics - Viewers (3) Text - Viewers (3) Runs on:Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 Writes settings to:Application folder ...
Sumatra PDF 开发者名称: Open Source 最新版本: 3.1.2 软件类别: 教育性 软件子类别: 电子书阅读器 操作系统: Windows软件概述苏门答腊PDF是一个用于Windows的免费,开源的电子书阅读器。它有一个简单的界面,使之成为强大和快速的在同一时间。软件网站 开发者网站 ...
Sumatra PDF 是一个支持pdf、epub、mobi、chm、xps、djvu、cbz、cbr等多中格式的windows平台的阅读器。(装机必备呀) 拥有安装版和便携版(各位可以点击官网下载)。 官网: GitHub: 查看原文...
MainWindowBackground = #fff200 if true, Esc key closes SumatraPDF EscToExit = false if true, we'll always open files using existing SumatraPDF process ReuseInstance = false if true, we use Windows system colors for background/text color. Over-rides other settings ...
参考链接:Error: Can't open files from a non-admin process - SumatraPDF - Sumatra Reader Discussion Forum ( 原因:Everything以管理员权限安装的前提下,如果先通过Everything软件搜索文件,在搜索结果里打开PDF文件,再在Windows文件资源管理器里打开另一个PDF文件,就会出现此错误。以上连接的...
were coming up with new features that demanded more CPU, RAM and more space and as I said, I couldn't keep up with these requirements. To put an end to this idea: 99% of the time, I used Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDF files and that's it so those new features seemed to slow...
Open source software similar to Sumatra PDF GhostscriptAvailable for: windows mac linux unix java Ghostscript is an open source that inteprets PostScript (PS) and PDF in order to output them into raster format either for the screen or on a printer. This allows viewing of PS files and even...
Sumatra PDF is a free, slim, open-source PDF viewer that does what any other pdf viewer does. It's small size and low memory consumtion makes it an ideal program for older systems. Sumatra has a minimalistic design, small and starts up very fast. Author Krzysztof Kowalczyk Released 2023-...
CmdNewWindow,Ctrl + N,Open New SumatraPDF Window, CmdOpenFile,Ctrl + O,Open File..., CmdOpenFolder,,Open Folder..., CmdOpenNextFileInFolder,Shift + Ctrl + Right,Open Next File In Folder, CmdOpenPrevFileInFolder,Shift + Ctrl + Left,Open Previous File In Folder, CmdOpenSelectedDocument...