Android中使用MuPDF预览PDF文件,并且正常显示电子签章 ,还真不好找。看了很多博客,但是用的都是MuPDF老版本。最后还是在MuPDF官网找到一些蛛丝马迹。MuPDF官网:https://mupdf.com官网提供的Android版demo的源码...1.前言 早在去年11月,项目的APP就已经集成了MuPDF,可以正常显示带有电子签章的PDF。但是,最近有用户使...
Features of Sumatra PDF Portable Free Intuitive and clean reading environment The user interface of the program consists of a plain window in which navigating is done seamlessly. You can import a document by using the file browser or drag-and-drop support. Thus, you can view document properties...
哈喽,黑域的小伙伴们,本期我呢,要给小伙伴们安利一款免费开源又轻巧速度快而强大阅读器[Sumatra PDF] ,是时候改变一下你的阅读器,先放下Foxit Reader (福昕阅读器) Adobe Acrobat PDF-XChange等收费商业的软件,来体验下这款免费Sumatra PDF,你可能找不到比这款Sumatra PDF还轻快好用的阅读器! Sumatra PDF官方...
SumatraPDF-settings #Fordocumentation,see MainWindowBackground=#80fff200 EscToExit=false ReuseInstance=false FixedPageUI[ TextColor=#000000 BackgroundColor=#ffffff SelectionColor=#f5fc0c WindowMargin=2424 PageSpacing=44 ] EbookUI[ ...
When I click on a PDF file, all the PDF files launch and open in various tabs. Then the clicked file appears. What to do?? This is most likely due toRestoreSession = true Which ensures prior files are opened to the last viewed set....