class Solution: # @param {integer[]} nums # @param {integer} target # @return {integer[]} def twoSum(self, nums, target): intLen=len(nums) if intLen <=1: return False res=[] dicts={} for i in range(0,intLen): if not dicts.has_key(target-nums[i]): dicts[nums[i]]=i ...
classSolution(object):deftwoSum(self, nums, target):""":type nums: List[int] :type target: int :rtype: List[int]"""dicts={}foriinrange(len(nums)):ifnums[i]indicts.keys():return(dicts[nums[i]],i+1)else: dicts[target- nums[i]] = i + 1 字典的key = nums[i],value=i+1 ...
When you want to add Python run-time options to the executable. When you want to create a multiprogram bundle with merged common modules. These uses are covered in topics below. You create a spec file using this command: pyi-makespec options [other scripts ...] The options are...
Python 3.6+ Django 2.2+ For the API module, Django REST Framework 3.7+ is required. For WebPush (WP), pywebpush 1.3.0+ is required (optional). py-vapid 1.3.0+ is required for generating the WebPush private key; however this step does not need to occur on the application server. ...