Firstly,screen the descriptors using support vector machine regression(SVR) by leave-one-out method based on the minimum mean square error(MSE),get the optimal kernel and the corresponding retained descriptors. 首先以均方误差(MSE)最小为原则,以留一法通过多轮末尾淘汰实施分子结构描述符的非线性SVR汰...
MulCom Sum of Square ErrorClaudio Isella
1.什么是目标跟踪? 给定一个视频序列,在视频的第一帧时框选出需要跟踪的目标,则后续视频播放过程中,目标框可以跟踪目标的位置。 2.MOSSE算法是最初将相关滤波应用于目标跟踪领域中的,它在保持较好的跟踪效果的同时,其速度远超同时期的其它跟踪算法,最快能达到669FPS。 3.MOSSE算法的基本思想:首先根据第一帧图像...
error sum of squares读音: 美 英 网络释义 误差平方和;差平方和;残差平方和 分词解释 error错误,过失 sum总数 squares平方( square的名词复数 )猜你喜欢 error code错误代码 fatal error致命错误 runtime error运行时错误 syntax error句法误差 command line option syntax error命令行选项语法错误 error loading ...
testing a 1st order system and trying to determine the time constant by fitting to a sinusoidal chirp function. I'm using the system identification tool to fit the sinusoidal output and determine the time constant. What I need to get is the sum of square error. Is there a way to do ...
Error Report Suppression Error Reporting Function Error Reporting Service Error Resilient Entropy Code Error Resilient Scalable Audio Coding Error Resilient Scalable Compression Error Resolution System Error Resolution Team Error Return Address Register
水平项误差平方和: sum of squares for factor A 误差向平方和: sum of squares for error 均方: mean square …|基于3个网页 2. 组内平方和 在统计学中,组内平方和(sum of squares for error)简记为SSE,表示每个水平或组的各样本数据与其组均值的误差平方和,反映 …|...
残差平方和;sum of square of... ... 5) 误差; error 1) 误差平方和; error sum of square 2) 残差; residual ...|基于4个网页 2. 平方误差 沃德误差法与其它 聚类分析的不同在于它把平方误差(Error sum of square)作为样本信息损 失的标准,聚类过程中每一步的归并以 …|...
3) sum square error 误差平方和法4) sum-of-squared-error criterion 误差平方和准则 1. In this paper,we propose an unsuperviset strategy(UKNNC)for the KNN Classifier,which adopts sum-of-squared-error criterion to adaptively select the contributing part from these neighbors and classifies the ...
1)square sum of error误差平方和 英文短句/例句 1.SOME NEW RESULTS ON VALUE RANGE OF OPTIMAL COMBINATION FORECASTING ERROR SQUARE SUM;最优组合预测误差平方和取值范围的若干新结果 2.The results reveal that the combined forecasting model is more effective.结果表明,此组合预测平均误差和预测平方根误差均较...