Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the sum of two symmetric -matrices to be an -matrix.doi:10.1080/03081089008817978Lee Yew SingLinear and Multilinear AlgebraY. S. Lee, On the sum of two N0-matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 26 (1990), pp. 215-221....
I have some problems of sum of two matrices. First element of sum matrix is missing. 테마복사 t=1:15 k=10:24 My simulink diagram is at the attachment. First value of sum matrix must be 11, but when i run the my SIMULINK model; this value is not visible. Where is my mi...
Singular Value Inequalities of Matrix Sum in Log-majorizations We show some upper bounds for the product of arbitrarily selected singular values of the sum of two matrices. The results are additional to our previous wo... BY Xi,FZ Zhang - 《Acta Mathematica Sinica English》 被引量: 0发表:...
5 Eigenvalues of the sum of a stochastic matrix and a diagonal matrix 10 Are the eigenvalues of the sum of two positive definite matrices increased? 1 Diagonalizable traceless matrices with the same minimal polynomial that are not similar 1 Eigenvalues on the diagonal of a...
In this paper,we obtain representations for the Drazin inverses of the sum of two matrices. According to thinking of a block matrix split into two triangular matrices,the different prove of the representations for Drazin inverse of the sum of two matrices were given using the property of Drazin...
Finding the Sum and Difference of Two MatricesTo solve a problem like the one described for the soccer teams, we can use a matrix, which is a rectangular array of numbers. A row in a matrix is a set of numbers that are aligned horizontally. A column in a matrix is a set of n...
I have two sample covariance matrices, computed from nn samples, less than pp variables: they are singular then. I know that the sum of two covariance matrices is also a covariance matrix. My question is, if both are singular, is this sum also singular? And if both are not sing...
This paper is about the relation of random matrix theory and the subordination phenomenon in complex analysis. We find that the resolvent of the sum of two random matrices is approximately subordinated to the resolvents of the original matrices. We estimate the error terms in this relation and in...
The sum of two polynomials is 40x5−2x4+x3−7x2−1. If the one polynomial is (x2−7x+1)2, find the other polynomial. Operations of Polynomials: The sum between two polynomials results in another polynomial. If you h...
A useful expansion of the exponential of the sum of two non-commuting matrices, one of which is diagonal 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 31 作者:CT Koch,JCH Spence 摘要: The matrix exponential plays an important role in solving systems of linear differential equations. We will give a ...