C++ :: Add Arrays / Get The Sum Of Two Arrays? Nov 13, 2013 Basically on this assignment I must write program that inputs two positive integers of at most 100 digits and outputs the sum of the numbers into an array. The two positive numbers must come from different arrays and the sum...
E. Two Arrays and Sum of Functions(贪心) 题目链接:https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1165/E 题目大意: n代表n个数,然后输入a数组,a数组有n个,b数组有n个。然后你可以对b数组里面的数任意排序,最终目的是使得题目中的表达式的值尽可能的小。 具体思路: 贪心,假设我们当前n==2.a数组分别是 1 ...
代码 #include<iostream>#include<algorithm>usingnamespacestd;#defineint unsigned long longconstintN=2*1e5+10;constlonglongmod=998244353;intn,a[N],b[N],ans;inlineintread(){intx=0,f=1;charch=getchar();while(ch<'0'||ch>'9') {if(ch=='-') { f=-1; } ch=getchar(); }while(...
using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int N = 200010,M = 998244353; int n,b[N]; LL a[N]; int main() { scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%lld",&a[i]),a[i] = a[i]*i*(n-i+1); sort(a+1,a+n+1); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scan...
E. Two Arrays and Sum of Functions(贪心) https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1165/E 题目大意: n代表n个数,然后输入a数组,a数组有n个,b数组有n个。然后你可以对b数组里面的数任意排序,最终目的是使得题目中的表达式的值尽可能的小。 具体思路:...
sumarrays[count] = firstarray[count] + secondarray[count]; } cout<<"\n\n Sum of two arrays is : \n\n"; for(count=0; count<5; count++) { cout<<sumarrays[count]<<""; } return 0; } Topic archived. No new replies allowed....
C program to find the median of two arrays using a divide and conquer-based efficient solution C program to find the intersection of two arrays C program to find the union of two arrays C program to find the size of the array using macro ...
Consider a two-dimensional input array, A: sum(A,1) operates on successive elements in the columns of A and returns a row vector of the sums of each column. sum(A,2) operates on successive elements in the rows of A and returns a column vector of the sums of each row. sum returns...
There are two arrays with individual values. Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of each individual index value in the given array.Sample array: array1 = [1,0,2,3,4]; array2 = [3,5,6,7,8,13];Expected Output:
Consider a two-dimensional input array, A: sum(A,1) operates on successive elements in the columns of A and returns a row vector of the sums of each column. sum(A,2) operates on successive elements in the rows of A and returns a column vector of the sums of each row. sum returns...