UVa1213 - Sum of Different Primes(素数表+DP) i++#include 题意是选择k个质数使其和为n,先搞一个素数表然后dp,dp[i][j]表示选了j个数和位i的方案数。 #include<bits/stdc++.h> usingnamespacestd; typedeflonglongll; constintmaxn=1120; boolcheck[maxn]; intprime[1120]; lldp[1122][15]; ...
Uva 1213 - Sum of Different Primes(DP) 题目链接 https://vjudge.net/problem/UVA-1213 【题意】 给定两个正整数n, k (n<=1120,k<=14), 求用k个互不相同的素数凑出和为n的方案总数 【思路】 先要用埃氏筛选打出[0,1120]内的素数表,下一步就是动态规划了,这个问题类似于01背包问题,设dp(k,i...
POJ 3132 Sum of Different Primes DP背包 http://poj.org/problem?id=3132 题意: 给定n和k,问用恰好k个不同的质数来表示n的方案数。 分析: n和k都很小。反正就是个背包,选k个物品恰好填满n即可。 1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 using namespace std; 4 5 bool dp[1200][15]; 6 ...
Sum of Different Primes Time Limit : 10000/5000ms (Java/Other) Memory Limit : 65536/32768K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 3 Accepted Submission(s) : 1 Problem Des...Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers UVA - 1210——素数表+初级dp思想 Think: 1题意:输入正整数n(2 <= n <= 10000)...
UVa 1213 Sum of Different Primes (DP),题意:给定两个数n和k,问你用k个不同的质数组成n,有多少方法。析:dp[i][j]表示n由j个不同的质数组成,然后先打表素数,然后就easy了。代码如下:
Squares of primesPowers of 2Linnik’s almost Goldbach problemIn this paper, it is proved by a different method that every sufficiently large odd integer can be written as a sum of one prime, two squares of primes and 17 powers of 2, which improves the previous...
Let the two primes be p and q. We wish to obtain the value of pq−(p+q), or pq−p−q. Using Simon's Favorite Factoring Trick, we can rewrite this expression as (1−p)(1−q)−1 or (p−1)(q−1)−1. Noticing that (13−1)(11−1)−1=120−1=119, we...
We will give two different proofs of this result, one based on a theorem of Evertse (yielding, for a fixed finite set of primes S , an effective bound on the number of non-degenerate solutions of an S -unit equation in k variables over the rationals) and the other using only ...
UVa01213_SumofDifferentPrimes.java UVa01225_DigitCounting.java UVa01226_Numericalsurprises.java UVa01230_MODEX.java UVa01235_AntiBruteForceLock.java UVa01237_ExpertEnough.java UVa01251_RepeatedSubstitutionwithSed.java UVa01260_Sales.java UVa01261_StringPopping.java UVa01262_Password.java UVa10000_LongestPat...
The methods used involve a significant extension of those used by H. L. Montgomery and R. C. Vaughan [Acta Arith. 27, 353-370 (1975; Zbl 0301.10043)] to discuss the analogous problem arising in connection with Goldbach's conjecture concerning sums of two primes. The authors mention that ...