SAP 方法/步骤 1 像图中显示的那样,假设前面的订单编号、发货单、物料凭证编号、发货过账日期、物料代码、物料描述、业务员都相同,只有数量、金额不同 2 先定义表结构,一定要将数量、金额放到最后定义,这样是为了方便后面使用AT END OF 最后字段X.3 在ABAP开发过程中,将查询出的所有数据放到临时表 lt_msegc...
key TYPE c LENGTH 1, num TYPE i, END OF line. DATA itab TYPE SORTED TABLE OF line WITH UNIQUE KEY key. DATA(rnd) = cl_abap_random_int=>create( seed = + sy-uzeit min = 1 max = 3 ). DO. COLLECT VALUE line( key = COND #( LET r = rnd->get_next( ) IN WHEN r = 1 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, expert , Someone can guide me how to get som of qty column in table control ? I created a screen with a table control and has a qty quantity field . I want to show total of qty in a field . my code like this ... PROCESS AFTER INPUT. LO...
How do i check the datatypes.The column for which i want to add is of type I. Reply Former Member 2007 Dec 03 6:34 AM 0 Kudos 345 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Atleast one of the field in the fieldcatalog should be of type 'I' (integer). If not available...
SUM is a keyword used in SAP ABAP programming.This tutorial covers its introduction & syntax details. SUM Basic form SUM. Effect When processing an internal table in a block starting with LOOP and concluded by ENDLOOP , SUM calculates the control totals of all fields ...
SAP ABAP优化提升-报表性能(一) 1、组织逻辑时,提取准确的锁定整张表中的基础数据范围。...提取数据时,Select语句的使用还是较为频繁的(个人认为,如果有标准的function,一定采取标准),那么,表与表之间的关联是不可避免的。...比如选择屏幕上有个物料号的查询条件,而我们知道订单VBAP和交货单LIPS均有物...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, ABAP Extensibility ABAP Development Programming Tool ABAP Extensibility Programming Tool View products (2) Hi, I'm getting an error with the below code due to the billing month derivation. Is there any other way to do it? Tried in CDS too and didn't...
ABAP CDS(Core Data Services)是一种用于定义和实现数据模型的开发语言,它是SAP系统中的一项关键技术。CDS聚合字段是在CDS视图中使用的一种特殊语法,用于根据条件对字段进行聚合计算。 在CDS视图中,可以使用SUM或MIN函数来对字段进行聚合计算。SUM函数用于计算指定字段的总和,而MIN函数用于计算指定字段的最小值。这些聚...
In the Basic List Line Structure screen, determine the sort sequence and the fields to be summed: Use the function to go to the Control Levels screen. In the Control levels screen, specify that you want to output sub-totals for each airline carrier and each flight connection. The column To...
SUM(max_column_id_used) as total from sys.tables Code Of course you can add filtering criteria using WHERE clause to limit the rows that participate in SUM calculation. Another example of calculating sum is to calculate the sum of a certain field for top 10 rows. ...