具有多个条件的SUMIF是一种Excel函数,用于在给定多个条件的情况下对指定范围内的数据进行求和。它可以根据一个或多个条件来筛选数据,并对符合条件的数据进行求和。 具体语法如下: SUMIF(range, criteria1, sum_range) range:要进行条件判断的范围。 criteria1:要应用的条件,可以是数字、文本、逻辑表达式等。
SUMIF函数的语法如下: SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]) 其中,range表示要进行条件判断的数据范围,criteria表示要应用的条件,sum_range表示要进行求和的数据范围。 对于具有多个条件的多列,可以通过使用SUMIFS函数来实现。SUMIFS函数与SUMIF函数类似,但可以同时指定多个条件。 SUMIFS函数的语法如下: SUMIFS(sum_ran...
In Excel, sum values based on one or more criteria is a common task for most of us, the SUMIF function can help us to quickly sum the values based on one condition and the SUMIFS function help us to sum values with multiple criteria. This article, I will describe how to sum with on...
SUMIF(range,criteria1, sum_range) + SUMIF(range,criteria2, sum_range) In the table below, suppose you want to add up sales for two different products, sayApplesandLemons. For this, you can supply the items of interest directly in thecriteriaarguments of 2 different SUMIF functions: =SUM...
=SUMIF(C5:C14,F17,INDEX(D5:I14,0,MATCH(F16,D4:I4,0))) Alternative – Using SUMIFS with INDEX and MATCH Functions in Excel We’ll find the sales of Acer desktops in the month of May. We’re adding two different criteria fromColumns B and C. ...
Then add up these two SUMIF formulas to get all total quantities supplied by both John and David. By using SUM and SUMIF functions The above formula is very easy to use if there are only a couple of criteria, but if you want to sum values with multiple OR conditions, the above formul...
The SUMIFS function works with AND logic, meaning that a cell in the sum range is summed only if it meets all of the specified criteria, i.e. all the criteria are true for that cell. Basic SUMIFS formula And now, let's have a look at the Excel SUMIFS formula with two conditions. ...
The powerful SUMIF function in Excel sums cells based on one criteria. This page contains many easy to follow SUMIF examples.
range 必需。用于条件计算的单元格区域。每个区域中的单元格都必须是数字或名称、数组或包含数字的引用。;criteria 必需。用于确定对哪些单元格求和的条件,其形式可以为数字、表达式、单元格引用、文本或函数。;sum_range 可选。要求和的实际单元格。
Sumifs help - sum based on two criteria Hi. I have some data and I want to be able to sum it based on two criteria - the parent product code that the specific product fits under, and the region in which the production took place. If you see the sheet, I am able to sum ok ...