sql case 与 sum SELECT SUM(CASE way WHEN 'ZFB' THEN money_amount ELSE 0 END )ZFBSUM, SUM(CASE way WHEN 'ZFBWAP' THEN money_amount ELSE 0 END ) ZFBWAPSUM, SUM(CASE way WHEN 'WX' THEN money_amount ELSE 0 END ) WXSUM, SUM(CASE way WHEN 'WXWAP' THEN money_amount ELSE 0 END ...
As an alternative to general SQL statement, sometimes you can use built-in MySQL function to help in some complex statement. This article will demonstate of how to use SUM and CASE in the SQL statement. This will work like SQL Count() statement. Normally SQL Count statement will look like...
select 月份,sum (case when 销售人员='姓名1' then 销售数量*产品单价 else 0 end) as 姓名1销售额,sum (case when 销售人员='姓名2' then 销售数量*产品单价 else 0 end) as 姓名1销售额,sum (case when 销售人员='姓名3' then 销售数量*产品单价 else 0 end) as 姓名1销售额 from ...
我只是尝试编写一个sql查询来对一组字段求和。我有两列,一列是账户名称,另一列是金额=sum(case when [Account Name] like Salaries or 'Other Income', FieldsAmount.Value)=sum(Fields!Amount.Value) 但我正在尝试缩小总和中包含的帐户名的数量。我正在尝试弄清楚如何使用case...
1> 一种是像Java的switch … case一样,在CASE 后面跟某一列、WHEN中输入列值 具体语法如下: CASE case_value WHEN when_value1 THEN statement_list1 WHEN when_value2 THEN statement_list2 ELSE statement_list3 END 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
sum distinct case when用法 Title: Understanding the Usage of the DISTINCT CASE WHEN Statement Introduction In the realm of data analysis and programming, it is crucial to have a strong understanding of various SQL statements and their implications. Onesuch statement is the DISTINCT CASE WHEN ...
MySQL SUM()是一个聚合函数,用于计算指定列的总和。它的三个条件是: 1. 条件一:选择要计算总和的列或表达式。 在SUM()函数中,可以指定一个列名作为参数,也可以使用表达式。例如,...
mysql 中sum (if())与case 先来一个简单的sum select sum(qty) as total_qty from inventory_product group by product_id 这样就会统计出所有product的qty. 但是很不幸,我们的系统里面居然有qty为负值。而我只想统计那些正值的qty,加上if function就可以了。 SQL为:...
T-SQL GETDATE() ? ADD and SUBTRACT depending on the condition is CASE STATEMENT ADD COLUMN to variable table? Add prefix in data column Add Time in SQL HH:MM:SS to another HH:MM:SS Adding a column to a large (100 million rows) table with default constraint adding a extra column in...
SqlStatementExecutePermission SqlStatistics SqlStatType SqlStorage SqlSyncInfo SqlSyncLogType SqlSyncMessageType SqlSyncPending SqlSystem SqlTraceCategory SSRSReportAutoDesignNode SSRSReportConceptNode SSRSReportDesignNode SSRSReportPrecisionDesignNode Statement StatementType StaticTextStyle StatusBarStyle Subquery Sub...