WPS Spreadsheet stands as a robust and free alternative to Google Sheets, designed to meet the diverse needs of spreadsheet users. Compatible with major office suites, including Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc, and OpenOffice Calc, WPS Spreadsheet ensures seamless integration into vario...
In the IF sheet, do: Type the dataset above. Add a new column at F3 namedGRADE. Put the cursor at E3. Type the formula=IF(F3>=60,"PASS","FAIL") Press Enter. You made one grade. Drag down the formula to end row of GRADE column. You made all grades. This formula made student ...
I can run the entire Linux mint OS (bundled with LibreOffice, Firefox, VLC all the default stuff), Vagrant box (Homestead – complete with webserver, database server etc), development environment with PHPstorm, Sublime, Java etc and it takes less than about 8 GB of space! The equivalent ...
Bugfix: transposition of cells for Worksheet#cols now supports incongruent column counts.counts Added space preservation for cell text. This will allow whitespace in cell text both when using shared strings and when serializing directly to the cell. April.24.13:1.3.6 Fixed LibreOffice/OpenOffice is...