a small hamlet in Schenectady County, named after the Dutch expressionaal plaats, which means “a place of eels.” (There were no eels that I am aware of.) I think it was in high school. I think my hair was cut short. I think it was when I was a virgin. I think...
Our efforts resulted in (i) a Committee-run auction process, (ii) significant, favorable revisions to post-closing sale adjustments agreed to by the debtors which threatened to materially and negatively impact the estate, and (iii) concessions from the buyer (which was also a creditor) which ...
In addition to Sullivan, officials from the City of Houston Public Works and Engineering De- partment, the Harris County Flood Control Dis- trict and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be on hand to field questions. Also attending the meeting will be state Rep. John Davis and rep- ...
On behalf of a class of investors, including lead plaintiffs Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association and Salix Capital US, Inc., we and co-lead counsel brought suit against various banks for conspiring to prevent the emergence and success of exchanges or other market mechanis...