The most important sulfur-containing ores are iron pyrite, FeS2; chalcopyrite, CuFeS2; sphalerite, ZnS; galena, PbS; cinnabar HgS; gypsum CaSO4•2H2O; anhydrite CaSO4; kieserite, MgSO4•H2O; celestite, SrSO4; barite, BaSO4; and. stibnite, Sb2S3. History Sulfur is found in meteorites...
The acidified samples were filtered, on a 0.45-mm nitrocellulose paper and an excess of 250 g l À 1 of BaCl2 was added to the filtrate to precipitate BaSO4. Multiple sulfur analyses. The samples were prepared and analysed for their multiple sulfur isotope compositions at the Stable Isotope...
Sulfur is commonly determined by wet, acid decomposition of the sample oxidation, change of SO4, then in the medium of hydrochloric acid added barium chloride, BaSO4 generation, by sedimentation, filtration, washing, burning, weighing the final calculation of sulfur that content. 硫的测定常用湿法...
The paper presents a quantification of main (hydrogen sulfide and sulfate), as well as of intermediate sulfur species (zero-valent sulfur (ZVS), thiosulfate, sulfite, thiocyanate) in the Yellowstone National Park (YNP) hydrothermal springs and pools. We
The BaSO4 precipitate was then filtered and dried for isotope analysis. The BaSO4 precipitate (approximately 0.1 mg) was mixed with V2O5 in tin (Sn) cups and then combusted using a modified Roboprep Elemental Analyser attached to a Finnigan Mat Conflo III and Finnigan 252 IRMS. Samples were...
BaSO4; and. stibnite, Sb2S3. HistorySulfur is found in meteorites. A dark area near the crater Aristarchus on the moon has been studied by R. W. Wood with ultraviolet light. This study suggests strongly that it is a sulfur deposit. Sulfur occurs native in the vicinity of volcanoes and ...
After returning to the USA, the samples were sent to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) where the final steps of the batch method were completed (e.g., BaSO4 precipitation, mixing with scintillant gel, LSC, and [SO4] measurements on an ion chromatograph using standard methods). ...