1. (1962). Some organic sulfur compounds in vegetables and fodder plants and their significance 'in human nutrition. Angew. Chem. internat. Edit., 1: 299-306.Virtanen AJ. 1962. Some organic sulfur compounds in vegetables and fodder plants and their significance in human nutrition. Angew Chem...
Such (+)-S-alk(en)yl-l-cysteine sulfoxides can degrade to volatile organosulfur compounds (VOSCs), which have been linked to health beneficial effects. In the present study, the accumulation of SMCSO and the formation of VOSCs was investigated in Brassica oleracea vegetables. SMCSO content ...
Sulfur and sulfur-containing compounds target enzymes throughout these pathways: sulfate and ATP levels directly control the first committed step in the whole process (i.e. ATPS); the interaction of proteins in the CRC balance metabolism in response to changes in sulfide and OAS levels; and ...
Industrial uses of organic sulfur compounds include intermediates in chemical synthesis, gasodorants They are best known for their strong odors, most notably in Allium vegetables (garlic The formation of insoluble mercury complexes is characteristic of this class of compoundsdoi:10.1002/anie.196500871...
Formation of volatile sulfur compounds in broccoli stored under anaerobic condition The development of an off flavor in anaerobically kept broccoli was studied by sealing the heads in a 100-mu m thick polyethylene film and storing them at ... Dan,Todoriki,Nagata,... - 《J Jpn Soc Hort》 被...
2. 硫化物 ...动物实验证明洋葱和大蒜能够抑制肿瘤生长,其中含有的硫化物(Sulfur compounds)和具抗氧化功用的异黄酮(flavonoids… www.ebiotrade.com|基于22个网页 3. 含硫化合物 ...上。 以上 胶质组成 compounds) (1)含硫化合物(sulfur compounds) 含硫化合物( 高硫石油:>2%;含硫石油:0.5%-2%… ...
Dehydrated vegetables. Dehydrated garlic. Determination of volatile organic sulfur compounds. 脱水蔬菜.脱水大蒜.挥发性有机硫成分的测定 www.mapeng.net 2. Natural gas - Organic sulfur compounds used as odorants - Requirements and test methods. 天然气.用做增味剂的有机硫化物.要求和试验方法 www.mapen...
a colorless, nonflammable, water-soluble, suffocating gas, SO2, formed when sulfur burns: used chiefly in the manufacture of chemicals such as sulfuric acid, in preserving fruits and vegetables, and in bleaching, disinfecting, and fumigating. ...
Barak P, Goldman IL (1997) Antagonistic relationship between selenate and sulfate uptake in onion (Allium cepa): implications for the production of organosulfur and organoselenium compounds in plants. J Agric Food Chem 45: 1290-1294 CASGoogle Scholar ...
Oral malodor is the result of the production of volatile sulfur compounds by bacteria in the process of breaking down components of epithelial cells, salivary proteins and food debris. From: Infectious Diseases (Third Edition), 2010 About this pageSet alert ...