ANVENDELSE AV CALSIUMSULFAT TIL FORBEDRING AV FERMENTERINGEN AV ORGANISKE AVFALLSTOFFER.Calcium sulphate is used together with montmorillonite and at least one phosphate to improve the fermentation of organic fertilizers and/or for conditioning soil.KUERNER, RUDOLF...
The polysaccharide contained fucose, glucuronic acid and sulfate in a molar ratio of about 6.1 : 1.0 : 2.9. The results of Smith degradation showed that this polysaccharide has a linear backbone of 1-->3-linked alpha-fucopyranose with a half sulfate substitution at the 4-positions, and a.....
INTERKALASI TETRAETIL ORTOSILIKAT (TEOS) PADA LEMPUNG TERAKTIFASI ASAM SULFAT DAN PEMANFAATANNYA SEBAGAI ADSORBEN WARNA LIMBAH GARMENInterchalation of Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) with acid activated clay has been studied. As for characterization of the modified clay. Acid-base titration methode...