托妮•莫里森(Toni Morrison) 美国著名女作家。1931年生于俄亥俄州,曾在兰登书屋担任高级编辑,后赴普林斯顿大学等校任教。代表作有《最蓝的眼睛》《所罗门之歌》《宠儿》《爵士乐》《爱》《恩惠》等,囊括普利策小说奖、美国国家图书奖、全美书评家协会奖三项美国最重要的图书大奖,1993年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。
SULA by Toni MorrisonKay, Jackie
英文简介:Two girls who grow up to become women. Two friends who become something worse than enemies. In this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison tells the story of Nel Wright and Sula Peace, who meet as children in the small town of Medallion, Ohio. Their devotion is fierce enough to...
Sulawas theMocha Girls Readbook club selection to celebrate Toni Morrison’s birthday in February. I had read excerpts from some of her other books, but this was my first time reading her cover to cover. The novel tells the story of two black women growing up in a small Ohio town. Throu...
当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《秀拉 Sula 英文原版小说 托妮莫里森 Toni Morrison 宠儿Beloved蓝色的眼睛The Bluest Eye所罗门之歌作者 全英文进口英语书籍》。最新《秀拉 Sula 英文原版小说 托妮莫里森 Toni Morrison 宠儿Beloved蓝色的眼睛The Bluest Eye所罗门之歌作
In Sula, Toni Morrison examines how the people in the Bottom, most of whom are poor, have been sick, or have lost loved ones prematurely, make sense of their own tragic lives and family histories. One of the most important ways that the people of Bottom cope with tragedy is by developin...
Sula - Toni Morrison 星级: 26 页 Sula - Toni Morrison 星级: 496 页 Toni Morrison’s Sula 星级: 264 页 Sula - Toni Morrison英文版小说电子版西方文学作品下载 星级: 51 页 Toni Morrison 星级: 72 页 Toni Morrison 星级: 52 页 Toni Morrison 星级: 6页 Toni Morrison 星级: 12 页 ...
作者:Toni Morrison 托妮·莫里森 年代:1006000000 页数:174 尺寸:(cm) ,购买SULA 簽名本 毛邊本 托妮·莫里森 世界文學史上第一位獲得諾貝爾文學獎的黑人女作家 曾獲羅伯特·肯尼迪圖書獎、美國藝術與文學學院獎、美國全國圖書評論界獎、普利策小說獎、安斯非爾德-沃
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