Once you have eaten the Sukuna’s Finger inSakura Stand, you should get messages. Such as, “You feel a strange presence on your shoulder.”“A chill runs down your spine,” and “Your body is too weak for my power.” After you have eaten 15 Sukuna’s Finger, go to the Sukuna NPC...
Sukuna is aware of his immense power and is quite arrogant about it, brutalizing a finger bearer while being patronizing and proclaiming his superiority over it. For this reason, he is highly dismissive of his opponents and rarely takes them seriously, even explicitly stating he would kill ...
In terms of where the story of JuJutsu Kaisen is in the anime, we don’t know too much about the back story of Sukuna. The most information that we’re given about him comes from the interrogation that good old Gojo conducts on Itadori after they subdue him post eating the finger. Gojo...
สี:Finger Only ขนาด:One Size One Size Due to our system upgrades, this content is currently unavailable in your region. สินค้าที่เกี่ยวข้อง ข้อมูลจำเพาะ ...
日本Premium Bandai生活用品系列 KIWAMONOWEB 今番以人氣動漫《咒術迴戰》為主題,推出「宿儺手指」造型巧克力模具,動漫中主角虎杖悠仁因意外誤食了特級咒物「宿儺手指」,隨後加入東京咒術高專與主角群們一同踏上旅程並收集剩下的宿儺手指。該巧克力模具採用矽膠材質製成,以接近真實比例尺寸還原兩面宿儺手指屍蠟的造型,該用...
本商品將於 2 月 13 日起登陸名古屋 PARCO B1 開設的「咒術迴戰 領域展開廣場」活動,屆時也將展示不少官方設定圖,給予粉絲一飽眼福的機會。順帶一提,《咒術迴戰》單行本的發售數量上不斷打破紀錄,根據近期官方情報指出已正式突破 3,000 萬本,亦同步公開第 15 集的封面設計,前景備受矚目。
I love the taste of Sukuna’s Finger 10/10 the flavor is amazing! the cup is really good quality too. Was this helpful? Yes, this review was helpful 1 person voted yesNo, this review was not helpful 0 people voted no IN Isaac N. Verified Buyer I recommend this product Age Range...