Pengaruh Selisih Suku Bunga Bank Indonesia Dengan Suku bunga Internasional, Inflasi Ban Cadangan Emas Terhadap Kurs US DollarIn conducting an international trade, the rate of exchange is the most impor...
This research aimed to give empirical evidence whether Indonesian Bank Notes (Sertifikat Bank Indonesia) and exchange rate as proxies of macro variables have influence to systematics risk of stocks traded in Jakarta Stock Exchange. Using multivariate regression analysis with data of 43 samples company ...
PENGARUH NILAI TUKAR, SUKU BUNGA SERTIFIKAT BANK INDONESIA DAN INDEKS SAHAM DOW JONES TERHADAP INDEKS HARGA SAHAM GABUNGAN INDONESIA Satrio Wibowo. (2012). Pengaruh Nilai Tukar, Suku Bunga Sertifikat Bank Indonesia dan Indeks Saham Dow Jones Terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan Indonesia. Jurnal Bisni...
DAMPAK INSTABILITAS INFLASI, BANK INDONESIA RATE DAN KURS TERHADAP SUKU BUNGA PASAR UANG ANTAR BANK 2009-2019doi:10.36418/jist.v3i6.447The Liberalization of the PUAB Interest Rate is a reference used by banks and applied by the central bankfor transactions in the Indonesian ...