Sukhoi SU-31 25e Electric RC Airplane Ready To Fly! I posted a video to YouTube of the plane: Sukhoi Su-31 RC Plane For Sale - ARTF (1 min 24 sec) I am selling my Sukhoi SU-31 25 electric RC plane with servos, speed controller, brushless motor and receiver. Put a ...
operated by the Russian Navy from the sole carrier it has (theAdmiral Kuznetsov). Developed since the Soviet era, it became the first conventional airplane (along with its test pilot, Viktor Pugachev) in landing in the deck of a carrier...
What a sweet airplane! Have owned a bunch of SebArt planes now, I say that about all of them!! Love my Angel so much I bought a second one today! May 14, 2008, 09:24 PM #64 tIANcI Xtreme Nut I better stay out of forums ... I feel the need to go buy the SU29 50E ...