The first order, for 30 aircraft, was signed on 7 December with Aeroflot.[10] 【参考译文】共青城飞机制造厂于2005年2月被选定进行最终组装,采用无夹具装配、自动部件对齐和自动铆接技术。RRJ60和RRJ75被认为成本效益较低,[10]因此研发重点转向了最大的型号——98座的RRJ95。78座的RRJ75仍处于考虑之中,...
Sukhoi Superjet-100 (SSJ-100) is a Russian short-haul narrow-body passenger aircraft developed by "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" Company with the participation of some foreign companies (whose contribution to the value of the aircraft reaches, according to some estimates, 70%). The aircraft was ...
However, they were used as a source of spare parts for other aircraft in the demonstration fleet.[75] 【参考译文】1996年,三架生产型苏-27M战斗机被交付给位于阿赫图宾斯克的弗拉基米罗夫卡空军基地的空军第929国家飞行测试中心(以V.P.察可洛夫命名,GLITs),以进行武器试验。[21]2001年,空军决定转让数架...
With a majority stake belonging to the Russian Government, it consolidates Russian private and state-owned aircraft construction companies and assets engaged in the manufacture, design and sale of military, civilian, transport, and unmanned aircraft. Its headquarters are in Krasnoselsky District, ...
kydawg1 "Aircraftus Fragmentum" Nice!!! Mar 21, 2010, 09:08 AM #7 boom NiCd + Mabuchi 550 was da bomb Quote: Originally Posted by LuvEvolution7 I have a few questions regarding the oil filled shocks... can you tell me what the dimensions are for the sh...
Brand: ACE Hobby Kit Title: Soviet Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker Number: P144 (Also listed as 200|200-03) Scale: 1:72 Type: Full kit Released: 1988 New tool Topic: Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker » Jets (Aircraft) Box contents Plastic sprue, Plastic sprue (Clear), Decalsheet (waterslide) ...
States that the Sukhoi Design Bureau is trying to gain more visibility for its Su-33 carrier-based heavyweight fighter. Russian-Indian talks on the possible sale of the aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov; Combat training missions being conducted from Russia's only operational carrier, the Admiral ...
Taking into account China's requirements for its new fighter, the aircraft became known as Su-30MKK (Modernizirovannyi Kommercheskiy Kitayski - Modernised Commercial Chinese).[62] 【参考译文】为了更好地应对美国空军在该地区不断扩大的能力,1996年,中国与俄罗斯达成了一项价值18亿美元的协议,购买约38...