The system combines a suite of analytical tools, including forecasting, error distribution analysis, expected value-based heuristics, and optimization tools to improve the decision making of Hub's frontline employees. It is important to note that the production decision support system was structured to...
A harness for building the bundled suite of interoperable optimization tools available in the COIN-OR repository. - GitHub - coin-or/COIN-OR-OptimizationSuite: A harness for building the bundled suite of interoperable optimization tools available in the
When optimizing the parameters of a genome assembler, it is important to reasonably select a metric of assembly quality that will be maximized during optimization. Many methods for evaluating the quality of a genome assembly exist, the most popular of which are probably calculating the N50 value a...
A survey on Test Suite Reduction frameworks and tools Test suite optimizationTest Suite ReductionFrameworksFault localizationSoftware testing is a widely accepted practice that ensures the quality of a System under ... SUR Khan,SP Lee,RW Ahmad,... - 《International Journal of Information Management ...
Empower your people to deliver flawless, hyper-personalized experiences with Calabrio ONE, a true-cloud contact center workforce optimization (WFO) suite.
Empower your people to deliver flawless, hyper-personalized experiences with Calabrio ONE, a true-cloud contact center workforce optimization (WFO) suite.
The APMonitor modeling is an optimization platform for mathematical representations of physical systems. Models include nonlinear, mixed-integer, and dynamic systems.
This software package includes five commonly used tools, AlienHunter, IslandPath, Colombo SIGI-HMM, INDeGenIUS and Pai-Ida. It also includes an optimization program EGID that ensembles the result of existing tools for more accurate prediction. The tools in GIST can be used either separately or ...
Optimization of acetic acid fermentation parameters for production of persimmon vinegar (100 mL).The results of multivariate regression analysis show that the model for regressing fermentation temperature, acetic acid bacillus inoculation quantity,... Y Liu,W Bai,Z Lu,... - 《Transactions of the Ch...
All Machete tools have two things in common: they solve problems faced by many web developers and they do it using as few server resources as possible. So far, Machete includes the following tools: WordPress Optimization WordPress places a lot of code inside the tag just to keep backward ...