Create a concrete test class in /src/accuracyReport/kotlin/com/github/pemistahl/lingua/report/lingua. Look at the other languages' files in this directory to see how the class must look like. It should be pretty self-explanatory. If one of the other language detector libraries supports your...
mongolica, were significant, indicating a greater degree of differentiation for P. koraiensis. The intraspecific differences within P. meyeri and P. mongolica were smaller than the interspecific differences between them, which was consistent with the results of the phylogenetic and population structure ...
We are constantly improving the accuracy, however, its outputs may contain errors or offensive content from certain reviews. Please report any errors or offensive content to us. Also, please note that we will not collect your ...
They have strategies to support emerging requirements to build future-proof SCP solutions that focus on enabling both high-quality decision making and achieving a high degree of user adoption. Because Leaders are typically well-established in leading-edge, complex user environments, they benefit from ...
Final grades will be determined by the appropriateness,fluency and accuracy of your conversation.The part of your conversation should have a connection.You will be judged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions,but also on your ability to keep the conversation going on smoothly.Your...
where Γ(·)Γ(·) and 𝜈ν are the gamma function and degree of freedom, respectively. 2.2. The fGARCH Model The family GARCH (fGARCH) model, developed by Hentschel (1995), is an inclusive model that nests some important symmetric and asymmetric GARCH models as sub-models. The nesting...
However, certain barriers, such as diagnostic performance measures being affected by the degree of haematuria [32,65,67] or the inability of certain biomarkers to detect low grade tumors [38,58], were also identified, compromising their utility in the general population. Hence, the reported ...
The expert system containing IF-THEN rules is a suitable tool for evaluation the suitability degree of job applicants. The decision support system is a suitable auxiliary tool for the HR manager who makes the final selection of the most suitable job applicant. ...
A synchronization index was defined to estimate the degree of physiological synchronization. During distance teaching, by means of measurements with wearables, students were significantly less physically active and significantly less psychologically aroused. Embodied teaching allowed significantly higher physical ...
Create a concrete test class in /src/accuracyReport/kotlin/com/github/pemistahl/lingua/report/lingua. Look at the other languages' files in this directory to see how the class must look like. It should be pretty self-explanatory. If one of the other language detector libraries supports your...