Define suitress. suitress synonyms, suitress pronunciation, suitress translation, English dictionary definition of suitress. n a female suitor Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 19
译文示例:Greatly a result of Mobutu’s 1973 visit to Beijing, Zairian males were strongly urged, and then required, to abandon Western suits and ties for the Mao-style tunic that he named the "abacost", a word derived from the pronunciation of the French à bas le costume ("down with ...
-Speaking practice, pronunciation drills (... 分享2赞 hon吧 MadMan🎃 11/20 G服更新至[v3.2.9] 新增英雄 【工程师托克的死敌】The result is the Ultimate Engineer, a biomechanical suit that upgrades as necessary to handle any combat situation.- These are the Ultimate Engineer upgrades and the...
Ministry Brands ParishSOFT Family Suite is an integrated church management software solution that gives you access to everything you need for your ministry to run smoothly. Pastors, staff, and parish administrators can streamline the behind-the-scenes administrative work. Rather than having a ...
Define G-suit. G-suit synonyms, G-suit pronunciation, G-suit translation, English dictionary definition of G-suit. n. A flight garment worn by astronauts and jet pilots that presses on the lower body to maintain the blood supply to the brain during rapid
Define suit of armour. suit of armour synonyms, suit of armour pronunciation, suit of armour translation, English dictionary definition of suit of armour. Noun 1. suit of armour - armor that protects the wearer's whole body body armor, body armour, catap
Define nonsuits. nonsuits synonyms, nonsuits pronunciation, nonsuits translation, English dictionary definition of nonsuits. n. 1. A judgment against a plaintiff for failure to present enough evidence for a jury to decide in the plaintiff's favor, or for
Define nonsuited. nonsuited synonyms, nonsuited pronunciation, nonsuited translation, English dictionary definition of nonsuited. n. 1. A judgment against a plaintiff for failure to present enough evidence for a jury to decide in the plaintiff's favor, o
Define nonsuiting. nonsuiting synonyms, nonsuiting pronunciation, nonsuiting translation, English dictionary definition of nonsuiting. n. 1. A judgment against a plaintiff for failure to present enough evidence for a jury to decide in the plaintiff's fav