"They trusted the public school system to take care of their child who couldn’t communicate with them and their child was significantly harmed and they didn’t know until later—and still the district has never provided REALLY an explanation of what happened to the parents, details or even ...
The Chapmans are one of 65 families suing Snapchat not over free speech, but the system’s algorithms which Chapman claims have connected young people, like his son Sammy, with drug dealers and, in too many cases, to their untimely deaths. Sammy died in 2021. "The lawsuit callsz out...
A press release says the lawsuit holds the state accountable to fulfill its obligation to evaluate and "treat patients with behavioral health conditions that could reduce further strain on a crumbling behavioral health system that the state legislature and local governments are actively working to resto...
A press release says the lawsuit holds the state accountable to fulfill its obligation to evaluate and "treat patients with behavioral health conditions that could reduce further strain on a crumbling behavioral health system that the state legislature and local governments are actively working to resto...
The reality is that the family court system throughout the United States is currupt. Did you know that statistically speaking, mothers who allege SA during the father’s custodial time are MORE LIKELY to lose custody. Regardless of whether the allegations ar...