Garth Brooksfiled suit against a former friend and business partner, Lisa Sanderson. She was the CEO of his TV production company, and she sued Brooks after it closed, claiming he owed her back pay and retirement. He counter-sued, and a jury ultimately rejected her claims and awarded Brooks...
If the insurance company does not offer you a satisfactory settlement, we can take the case to court. Just like we represented you at pretrial negotiations, we will represent you in the courtroom. This representation may involve giving oral arguments, submitting evidence, and questioning witnesses...
INXSguitarist Tim Farriss is suing a rental boat operator aftersevering his fingerin a 2015 accident. The musician was sailing the borrowed vessel near his home in Sydney, Australia, when he caught the ring finger of his left hand in an electric anchor. The power of the device ripped off ...
Legal “Insurance” The contract fee allows the client to pick up the phone and talk to the lawyer without needing to eye the clock. This approach works like a legal insurance policy. It encourages companies to contact their counsel on non-litigation, non-crisis matters, and to save money ...
To succeed in a personal injury claim or lawsuit (on behalf of your child) against a daycare’s insurance company, you must prove the daycare center wasnegligent. To qualify as negligent, the event causing the child’s injury must be foreseeable. A daycare center is not liable for an unfor...
2014 Years of hard work was destroyed by these 2 Scumbag Rapist Shell oil BHP Andrew Mackenzie, Graham Kerr 2 homosexual RAPIST criminal gay couple piece of shit greed to steal our company trademark franchise name that was being devolved for 5 years to be one of the biggest Holl...
2014 Years of hard work was destroyed by these 2 Scumbag Rapist Shell oil BHP Andrew Mackenzie, Graham Kerr 2 homosexual RAPIST criminal gay couple piece of shit greed to steal our company trademark franchise name that was being devolved for 5 years to be one of the biggest Holl...