Apple is suing Gerard Williams III, former iPhone and iPad processor designer, for breach of contract. The suit asserts that Williams began his new company, Nuvia, while still working for Apple, and also accuses him of recruiting his former colleagues."The case involves a worst-case scenario ...
Breach of Contract Lawsuit: Examples, Penalties & Legal Help Where You Need a Lawyer: Zip Code or City: (This may not be the same place you live) Choose a Legal Category: Most Common Issues: Family Employment Criminal Defense Real Estate Business Immigration Personal Injury Wills, Trusts &...
Suing the President for First Amendment Violations 2 Allegedly, during his four years of employment abroad before being discharged, he washarassed exception, subject to the first two exceptions, as would the actions of a MNC. In the sameyear as the Massey decision, the Supreme Court ad... S...
Its suit against Williams alleges that his work to get Nuvia off the ground represented a breach of contract and breach of duty of loyalty. That’s because he was planning the company and recruiting employees while still at Apple. “This case involves a worst-case scenario for an innovative...
P.S. Apparently, Dr. DiMattia is not the only one with whom Mr. Willis has breached a contract. He was sued in early 2009 in Los Angeles byForesight Unlimited, Signature Entertainment Group and Three Stories Productionsfor breachihg his film contract with those entities. Not sure how it pa...
Former iPhone processor designer Gerard Williams III, who left to form his own chip development firm Nuvia, is being sued by Apple for breaking employment agreements. Appleis suingGerard Williams III, formeriPhoneandiPadprocessor designer, for breach of contract. The suit asserts that Williams ...