Sassoon's use of imagery in "Suicide In The Trenches" is powerful and evocative, helping to convey the themes and emotions of the poem. One of the most striking examples is the image of the soldier's "grinning" face. This juxtaposition of the soldier's cheerful expression with the bleak ...
Veterans Affair Hospital: Article Analysis Every day at the Veterans Affair Hospital, veterans are being sent away with little to no treatment. Or when they do receive treatment, it is using archaic and outdated techniques. The patients are not being treated fully, so they are forced to return...
Suicide in the Trenches study guide contains a biography of Siegfried Sassoon, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.
Global, regional, and national burden of suicide mortality 1990 to 2016: systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. BMJ 364, l94 (2019). Wand, A., Draper, B., Brodaty, H. & Peisah, C. Self-harm in the very old one year later: has anything changed? Int. ...