产品简介:曙光A840r-G服务器 98000261,产品类别:机架式,标准内存容量:4G×2。内部硬盘架数:最大支持8块热插拔2.5寸SATA硬盘。 中科曙光A840r-G服务器 98000261热门行情 更多文章 > 关注曙光A840r-G服务器 98000261的网友还喜欢 标题 作者 同品牌最热产品 ...
曙光 天阔A840r-G(Opteron 6128*2/4GB/2*500GB/SAS卡) 指导价:¥126200 市场价:¥126200-¥126200 查看详细参数>> 服务器新品推荐 联想ThinkSystem SR868 V3(Xeon Gold 6416H/512GB/2.4TB×8)¥90360 联想ThinkSystem SR868 V3(Xeon Gold 6416H/512GB/960GB×8)¥86520 联想ThinkSystem SR868 V3(Xeon Gol...
This project adopts 150 A620R-G dual-way servers to build the Hadoop platform, 100 A840r-G 4-way servers were applied to build the database processing platform, the whole system is interconnected through Infiniband network, in the IB network design of the system platform, connections of all ne...
across borders together with Beijing center. During the construction of Southern base, the Sugon Company plays an important role in the construction process as the equipment provider and solving plan’s provider. This project uses 100 Sugon A840r-G four-server servers and 500 A620r-G dual servers...
曙光 天阔A840r-G(Opteron 6128*2/4GB/2*500GB/SAS卡) 指导价:¥126200 市场价:¥126200-¥126200 查看详细参数>> 服务器新品推荐 联想ThinkSystem SR868 V3(Xeon Gold 6416H/512GB/2.4TB×8)¥90360 联想ThinkSystem SR868 V3(Xeon Gold 6416H/512GB/960GB×8)¥86520 联想ThinkSystem SR868 V3(Xeon ...
high density and high performance. Tiankuo A840R-G is a 4U 4-way 64-bit rack-mounted server, it applies AMD series of processor, adopts HT3.0 direct connection architecture. Through the 4-way DDR 3 ECC memory technology, the memory capacity was up to 1TB. A840R-G adopts 4u rack design...
参考价:¥135500 中科曙光曙光I420-G30参考价:¥46600AMD皓龙服务器排行 刀片式服务器排行 8000元以下服务器曙光A420r-G服务器(8盘位) 98000292 ¥31400 曙光CB85-G计算刀片(98000494) Opteron 6276 ¥115000 曙光A840r-G服务器 98000261 ¥121200 曙光I410-G10服务器 98000460 ¥37200 曙光A620r-G服务器...
This project adopts 150 A620R-G dual-way servers to build the Hadoop platform, 100 A840r-G 4-way servers were applied to build the database processing platform, the whole system is interconnected through Infiniband network, in the IB network design of the system platform, connections of all ne...
This project uses 150 A620r-G dual servers to establish Hadoop platform, and 100 A840r-G four-server servers to build database processing platform. The entire system is connected through Infiniband network. In the design of IB network for the system platform, all connections for network equipment...
中科曙光曙光I420-G30参考价:¥46600AMD皓龙服务器排行 机架式服务器排行 工作组级服务器排行曙光A420r-G服务器(8盘位) 98000292 ¥31400 曙光I410-G10服务器 98000460 ¥37200 曙光A620r-G服务器(12盘位) 98000412 ¥77300 曙光A840r-G服务器 98000261 ¥121200 曙光CB85-G计算刀片(98000494) Opteron 62...