Isuggest(that) we go out to eat. 我提议我们出去吃吧。 牛津词典 Isuggestedgoing in my car. 我提议坐我的车去。 牛津词典 It has beensuggestedthat bright children take their exams early. 有人提议天资好的孩子提前考试。 牛津词典 (British English also)It has beensuggestedthat bright children shou...
A:I would suggest that you use this material instead of that . 我建议你改用这种替代那种。 B:But that costs more . 可是那样成本较高。 A:But you will get less waste from this . 但可以减少浪费。 suggest的解释 B:We‘ll try it once . ...
The language to use for user interface strings. Specify the language using the ISO 639-1 2-letter language code. For example, the language code for English is EN. The default is EN (English). Although optional, you should alw...
The language to use for user interface strings. Specify the language using the ISO 639-1 2-letter language code. For example, the language code for English is EN. The default is EN (English). Although optional, you should alwa...
LEARN MORE Auto Suggestion experience could be further enriched using other Bing APIs for example the Bing Entity Search API. LEARN MORE Bing statistics add-in Inform your strategic decisions with the Bing Statistics add-in. Quickly retrieve statistics such as your top queries, call volume, market...
Using the rich text editor History When you insert suggestions, use the WYSIWYG rich text editor to move up and down the source file’s line numbers in the UI. To add or subtract changed lines, next to From line, select + or -....
Experts suggest using a different password for every website you visit, and changing the password every few months. It takes trouble to keep them in mind, but its well worth the (56) . Be (57) with your passwords and make it difficult for someone to enter your (58) . The more (59...
Is it just me or does it seem strange that this bug hasn't been fixed? From what I understand someone just needs to tidy up the style code for the interface, so it will work properly with the newer version of gradio? I would have thought all kinds of people would be using this remo...
Windows.AI.MachineLearning.Preview Windows.ApplicationModel Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation Windows.ApplicationModel.AppExtensions Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.DataProvider ...
Represents a text control that makes suggestions to users as they enter text using a keyboard or pen (using ink and handwriting recognition). The app is notified when text has been changed by the user and is responsible for providing relevant suggestions for this control to display.C#...