NAFLD Metabolic make-up of NASH:from fat and sugar to amino acids. Sookoian S,Pirola CJ. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol . 2014Sookoian S, Pirola CJ. NAFLD. Metabolic make-up of NASH: from fat and sugar to amino acids. Nature reviews Gastroenterology & hepatology. 2014; 11(4):205-7. ...
Over the life of a rice plant, the ratio of sugars to amino acids changes. During the early growth stage, rice plants are a great food source for insects. These young rice plants have relatively low glucose levels and brown planthoppers don't need to search out a new home, so they deve...
The amount of amino type and watr soluble nitrogens were increased as the fermentation progressed, although the former seemed to reach a plateau at about 20 hours of the fermentation, of the protease activity were increased until 16 hours of fermentation at which time they tended to reach ...
Ammonia and amines (including amino acids) were shown tocatalyze the formation of sugars from formaldehyde andglycolaldehyde, and the subsequent conversion of sugars tocarbonyl-containing products under the conditions studied (pH5.5 and 50°C). Sterically unhindered primary amineswere better catalysts th...
Guided by gut sensory cues, humans and animals prefer nutritive sugars over non-caloric sweeteners, but how the gut steers such preferences remains unknown. In the intestine, neuropod cells synapse with vagal neurons to convey sugar stimuli to the brain
The amino sugar derivatives (III) are synthesized by way of a C-N coupling reaction between the sugar triflate (I) and the esters (II).doi:10.1002/chin.198939369MALIK, A.VOELTER, W.WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHChemInformA. Malik, W. Voelter, "New Synthetic Routes to Amino Sugars and Sugar ...
These nectars did not differ in sugars and amino acids from ant-attended flower nectars, suggesting the activity of repellents. Apart from these exceptions, variability in amino acids and carbohydrates is proposed to play a key role in ant preferences and nutrition....
Our results clearly show that only the Na+ -gradient dependent pathways for sugars and neutral amino acids transport were modified in treated dogs as compared to chow-fed controls. The adaptation to the diets varied according to the intestinal segment considered and the effects were dependent on ...
AMBER/GLYCAMand CHARMM are popular force fields for simulationsof amino acids and sugars. Here we report excessively attractive aminoacid–sugar interactions in both force fields, and correctionsto nonbonded interactions that match experimental osmotic pressuresof mixed aqueous solutions of diglycine and ...
(1996) Nutrients, free amino acids, and sugar contents in Narcissus roots affected by N, P, K deficient during winter. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 42, 765-771.Ruamrungsri S, Ohyama T, and Ikarashi T 1996: Nutrients, free amino acid, and sugar contents in Narcissus roots affected ...