The Sugar Rush Racers are a group of characters in Disney's 2012 animated feature film Wreck-It Ralph and its 2018 sequel, who reside in the candy kart-racing video game Sugar Rush. Altogether, there are 15 official racers, although only 11 racers are th
Sugar Rush (also known as Sugar Rush Speedway in the browser-based version) is one of the arcade games of Litwak's Arcade, featured in Disney's 2012 animated feature film, Wreck-It Ralph and its 2018 sequel. It is a Japanese kart-racing game set in a fan
In addition to the primary racers that are featured frequently, there are lesser known racers in theSugar Rushworld that are simply recolors of some of the main racers. They aren't playable in the browser-based version of the game. These racers' names can be seen on the scoreboard in the...