Dunn, S. and R.J. Townsend. 1954. Propagation of sugar maple by vegetative cuttings. J. For. 52:678--679.DUNN, S. and TOWNSEND, R. J. 1954: Propagation of sugar maple by vegetative cuttings. J. For. 52: 678-9.Dunn , Stuart , and Ralph J. Townsend : Propagation of sugar ...
The only problem I have ever heard about relating to big tooth maple is that it is slow growing when young and the foliage can sometimes burn on the tips in extreme summers.PROPAGATION: Primarily done by seed collected in the fall and give cold stratification at 41 degrees for 30 to 160 ...
1941. Variables affecting vegetative propagation of red and sugar maple. J. Forestry 39(4):395-404. 1942. Sex and vegetative propagation. J. Forestry 40(10): 807-8.Snow, A. G., Variables affecting vegetative prop agation of red and sugar maple., J. Forestry, 39: 395-404. 1941....