Lifestyle changes may help to lower blood sugar, including exercise, dietary management, not smoking, managing stress, getting adequate sleep, losing weight if overweight/obese, and adjusting insulin intake. High blood sugar(hyperglycemia) happens when there are high levels of glucose (sugar) in th...
Normally, your pancreas releases insulin when your blood sugar, or blood glucose, gets high – after a meal, for example. This tells your body to absorb glucose until levels getbackto normal. But if you have diabetes, your body doesn’t make insulin (type 1 diabetes) or doesn’t respond...
Related to High blood sugar:Low Blood Sugar hy·per·gly·ce·mi·a (hī′pər-glī-sē′mē-ə) n. The presence of an abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood. hy′per·gly·ce′mic(-mĭk)adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. ...
Uncontrolled blood sugar, or blood glucose, is a level that's outside of a healthy target range. It usually refers to blood sugar that's too high, which is a symptom of diabetes. Both extremely high and extremely low blood sugar are dangerous. ...
High blood sugar: An elevated level of the sugar glucose in the blood. Also called hyperglycemia. High blood sugar is a finding in a number of conditions, most notably diabetes mellitus. Elevated blood glucose leads to spillage of glucose into the urine (glucosuria) so that the urine is ...
Some conditions caused by blood glucose levels that are too high need treatment right away: Diabetic ketoacidosis.This is when a lack of insulin, along with a high level of ketones, causes your blood to turn acidic. Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state.When your body makes insulin, but it doesn'...
If insulin doesn’t work properly or there’s not enough of it, blood sugar levels rise.Too much blood glucose is known as hyperglycemia, a condition that can cause various health problems. In this article, we’ll explore what high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) feels like, why it happens and...
High blood sugar levels means that the body is unable to keep the glucose levels within a normal range. It indicates a problem primarily with the insulin levels that are secreted in response to the blood sugar levels. When the blood sugar (glucose) is too high, the pancreas secretes more ...
People with diabetes need to check their blood (sugar) glucose levels often to determine if they are too low (hypoglycemia), normal, or too high (hyperglycemia). Learn how to read a blood sugar level chart, as well as treatments and management tips for h
Why is my blood sugar level high when I wake up? Your blood sugar level may be high when you wake up due to dawn phenomenon, which affects about half of all people with diabetes. Your body naturally releases glucose (sugar) into the blood in the early morning hours, which provides you...