polyalcohol (redirected fromSugar alcohol) Also found in:Medical,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. pol·y·al·co·hol (pŏl′ē-ăl′kə-hôl′, -hŏl′) n. An alcohol, such as glycerol, containing more than two hydroxy groups. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Ed...
in foods labeled "sugar free" or "no added sugar," the precise sugar alcohol count must be listed separately under the nutritional information.───在标明“无糖”或“不添加糖”的食物中,糖醇类物质的准确含量肯定会分项列在营养成分表中。 Oil, Tomato Khup , Saffron , Sugar, Alcohol, Pistachio ...
Food manufacturers sometimes include grams of sugar alcohols per serving on the label, but they don't have to. The specific name may be listed, such as xylitol, or the general term "sugar alcohol" may be used. But if the packaging includes a statement about the health effects of sugar al...
互联网 It helps change glucose ( sugar ) into asugar alcoholcalled sorbitol. 它帮助葡萄糖 ( 糖 ) 转换成糖酒精,又叫做山梨糖醇. 互联网 LimIt'sugar - free candies or gum made with sorbitol (sugar alcohol). 限制食用无糖糖果或吃含山梨醇 ( 糖替代物 ) 的口香糖. ...
sugar alcohol 英 [ˈʃʊɡə(r) ˈælkəhɒl] 美 [ˈʃʊɡər ˈælkəhɔːl]网络 糖醇; 糖醇类; 代糖; 醇糖
sugar alcohol 英文sugar alcohol 中文【机】 糖醇
Methods PubMed, Cochrane Controlled Trials Registry, Cochrane Oral Health Review, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination in the United Kingdom, National Library for Public Health, and a Web site of the Centre for Evidence Based Dentistry were searched for articles on sugar alcohol, sugar free, and...
1.Sugar - free gum or dried fruit provides a healthy distraction from candy crunching. 无糖口香糖和干果可以让蟹子远离含糖食物. 2.No diet, sugar free , or calorie free drinks. 非节食型 、 不含糖或无卡路里的饮料. 3.LimIt'sugar - free candies or gum made with sorbitol ( sugar alcohol )...
Sorbitol is another sugar alcohol commonly used in the food industry, not only as a sugar substitute, but also as a stabilizer. It has small effect on blood sugar levels and is about 60 percent as sweet as table sugar. Unlike other polyols, sorbitol doesn’t promote tooth health as it sl...