People who are always struggling with sugar addiction or binge eating soon find that there is only one effective way to deal with the extreme excess of sugars in the modern diet and that’s by eliminating them. The keto/carnivore diets both have next to none (keep in mind even shell fish...
4. Chewing xylitol gum or mints stimulates saliva flow. This will protect your teeth because it brings the PH levels close to neutral. (diet soda has a pH 2.2) 5. Reduces tooth decay: If you drink acidic sports drinks frequently, eat carbohydrates often and spend hours dehydrated and breath...
How do you feel about added resistant starch to a vlc diet? I have been doing a lot of reading and it seems that it could be very beneficial. I have made raw green dehydrated plantain chips (at 95 F), and have been eating raw unmodified potato starch in cold drinks and foods. Do ...