炮火连天区|"Just be my sugar daddy my candy, candy man" 来自: MissLonely2074 2024-09-03 15:16:29 已编辑 河北 Candy Man-Liz Primo ( f(x)-Shadow )_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 函shadow原曲使用的歌词,原视频评论区有歌词的完整版。 shadow mv 不知道之前有没有人说过这个,反正是闵的一贯作风了,这张...
Sugar Daddy candy has been really popular for many years. This is a simple candy that you can enjoy no matter what age you are, and this simple little sweet
1.(Cookery) Also called:rock candylarge crystals of sugar formed by suspending strings in a strong sugar solution that hardens on the strings, used chiefly for sweetening coffee 2.(Cookery)chieflyUSconfectionery; sweets Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Ha...
其实不是,sugar daddy 的正确意思是指靠昂贵的礼物博取少女欢心的老男人,通常会有不正当关系。换言之就是我们常说的“干爹、老色鬼”等。与此对应的女性就是“sugar baby”。 例句: (1)Actor John Goodman played Melanie Griffith's sugar daddy in the film. 演员约翰古德曼在电影中饰演美拉尼格里菲斯的干爹。
also sugar daddy, "elderly man who lavishes gifts on a young woman" [OED], 1926, from sugar (n.) + daddy (n.). also from 1926 Entries linking to sugar-daddy daddy (n.) c. 1500, colloquial diminutive of dad, with -y (3). Slang daddy-o is attested by 1925 (Eugene O'Neill) ...
词汇 sugar candy 释义sugar candysugar candy发音 意思翻译 冰糖;甜蜜的东西 n.冰糖,甜蜜的东西 相似词语短语 sugar-candy───冰糖;甜蜜的东西 sugar cane───甘蔗 sugar canes───甘蔗 sugar daddy───甜爹(施恩或送贵重礼品以博取年轻女人欢心的老色迷) sugar candies───冰糖;甜蜜的东西 ear candy...
Candy (as Louise Brent) A Thousand Pleasures (1968) Linda Boyce Honey Electronic Lover (1966) Paul Brancato Jeff Alcatraz Avenue (2000) Ella Bussman Nellie Sugar Daddy (1968) Lou Campa The Intruder (as Louis Champion) Jail Bait (1977) Christine Burlesque dancer Sugar Daddy (...
Whats A Sugar Daddy is the best sugar daddy website to find and meet millionaire sugar daddy and beautiful sugar baby.
Sugar,是糖,即白砂糖之类的食糖。不是糖果,糖果是 candy。美国的“干爹”可以翻译为“糖爸爸”或“甜爹”。 sugar daddy,在这里通常是指那些事业有成,通过送贵重礼物来套取年轻女性的欢心的这些男人。 “干女儿”便叫做sugar baby,可翻译成糖宝贝,或甜心宝贝,通常是指被b养的年轻女性。
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