Sufjan Stevens新专辑《Javelin》全专试听1. ‘Goodbye Evergreen’2. ‘A Running Start’3. ‘Will Anybody Ever Love Me?’4. ‘Everything That Rises’5. ‘Genuflecting Ghost’6. ‘My Red Little Fox’7. ‘So You Are Tired’8. ‘Javelin (To Have And To Hold)’9. ‘Shit Talk’10. ‘...
Sufjan Stevens: Javelin: Directed by Stephen Halker, Rena Johnson. Official album stream of the 'Javelin' album by Sufjan Stevens.
06. My Red Little Fox 07. So You Are Tired 08. Javelin (To Have And To Hold) 09. Shit Talk 10. There's A World All songs written, recorded and produced by Sufjan Stevens. Cover art and album design by Sufjan Stevens. Thanks to all the record stores and venues that hosted a Javel...
Sufjan Stevens 尽管每一次的Sufjan都不一样,只有唱回民谣形状的歌时,才会被视作“根源的回归”。 《Javelin》是回归。十首歌,每一首都从指弹吉他、班卓琴或钢琴开始。纯净古朴的民谣,像水一样流畅,发黄的纸张一样薄脆。但除了最后一首,每一首都会往别的方向发散开去。合成器发出异响,营造更广阔的空间,把氛围偷...
here is the story of javelin in miniature: the first two are seductions, spoken from person to person; the last is more like a prayer. if the lyrics on javelin lack the proper-noun touchstones of stevens’ story-songs, these ones gain authority from an intrinsic sense of self and place....
新专辑《Javelin》的第一首曲目"Goodbye Evergreen"是对情感的证明,Sufjan Stevens将伴侣比作“常绿树”。"But everything heaven sent / Must burn out in the end",短短一句便足以使你落泪,因为深知没有光辉可以永存。纵观整张专辑,Sufjan都在致力于描绘最朴素真挚的情感,融入深刻的内省视角,而不单单只是为某...
【Indie Fol..《Javelin》中的每一首曲目都以亲密的方式开始:木吉他的涓涓细流 钢琴的嗒嗒作响 以及琶音的层层叠叠 当然 还有那迷人的嗓音 它是本世纪所有歌曲作者中最不拘一格的作品之一——柔美而有力 仿佛它即将
2023年10月 Sufjan Stevens 的新专辑《Javelin》刚发行的时候,我只是草草听了几遍,为他回归到我熟悉的民谣风格而高兴,也为其丧失爱人、身患重病仍不屈不挠的故事而感动。最近我反复听他2015年的《Carrie & Lowell》,2017年为电影《Call me by your name》演唱的两首歌以及他今年的专辑。同样是丧失至亲至爱的故...
The solo studio LP is billed as Stevens’ first true singer-songwriter album since Carrie & Lowell
Sufjan Stevens以其朴素而丰富的音乐姿态打动人心。新专辑《Javelin》中,繁复的和声与节奏,如同微风轻拂,展现他擅长的从静到动的编曲方式。轻盈的intro,简洁的钢琴/原声吉他搭配Sufjan低沉的吟唱,随后逐渐融入其他元素:融洽的打击节奏,管乐的层层掀起,和声的层层叠加,以及电子乐色彩。专辑封面完美诠释了...