The article reports on the opening of the Suffolk County One-Stop Employment Center in Riverhead, New York. The center started functioning in January 2008 bringing together everything a job-seeker w...
In Suffolk County, the arthropod-borne disease lab collects mosquitoes and sends them to the New York State Department of Health lab in Wadsworth, New York. Asian tiger mosquitoes, which have carried dengue, zika and chikungunya viruses, have been found in Suffolk County, Pigott added. “No sa...
Suffolk County Sheriff's Department Careers City of Chelsea MA The City of Chelsea had employment opportunities. Positions found included Project Manager, Program Assistant, Part Time Emergency Telecommunications Dispatcher, ESOL Part-time Instructors - English for Speakers of Other Languages, Chief Assesso...
If you are issued a ticket for a non-criminal moving traffic violation in the five boroughs of New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island (Richmond), Kings County, Queens, Bronx, New York County, or Manhattan, it will be handled by a New York State Department of ...