Phone: 01473 265138 show quoted sections Freedom of Information, Suffolk County Council14 May 2024 1 Attachment 2024 05 14 24449 Response.doc 56KDownloadView as HTML INFORMATION REQUEST RESPONSE Thank you for your request for information, reference number 24449. Please quote this in any future corr...
SuffolkCounty,England. BurnedbytheBritishin1779anddamagedbyother firesthroughoutthenextcentury,Suffolksurvivedto becomeacityin1910.In1912,anItalianimmigrant namedAmedeoObicimovedfromPennsylvaniato SuffolkandfoundedthePlantersNutandChocolate Company.Today,Suffolkremainsamajorpeanut processingcenterandtransportationhubin...
Few invasive plants have such a negative reputation as Japanese Knotweed. Even the Law Society decided it would be prudent to dedicate a section in the seller’s property information form to this garden weed. A recent County Court case highlights the importance of correctly completing the Property...