Tranziie si consolidare democratic n Sud-Estul Europei: strategii, modele, teorii, concepteransitiondemocratizationeconomic growthconsolidated democracyThis article presents the principal findings of the democratictransition and democratic consolidation. It analysis and compares theinformation providing new ...
Romanul contemporan din Sud-estul Europei: între societal şi literaritateThis article addresses two phenomena of contemporary literature from Southeastern Europe: the assertion of the novel of social persuasion and of the novel of manners. The authors focus their attention on the woman's fate...
O lecție franceză despre sud-estul Europei la începutul secolului al XIX-leaAt the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century, the balanic space entered into the attention of foreign travelers, particularly those of France.The narratives of these travelers...
Relaiile internaionale n Sud-Estul Europei n primul sfert al secolului al XIV-leaInternational Relations in South-Eastern Europe in the First Quarter of the 14th Century. In the first quarter of the 14th century, in the internal crisis conditions in the Byzantine world and the establishing ...