The meaning of SUDS is water impregnated with soap or a synthetic detergent compound and worked up into froth; also : the lather or froth on such water. How to use suds in a sentence.
suds sudser sudsless sudsy sue suede suede cloth suede glove suede leather suedette suent Suently suer Suess Eduard suet suet pudding Suetonius suetty suety Suez Suez Canal Suez Gulf of Suez Isthmus of suf- suf. sufentanil Suff Suff.
sudsless 英文 英文 “sudsless"的含义和定义 adjective Free from suds. 更多 sudsless 的语法和变格 sudsless (not comparable) 更多 例句与“sudsless" 变形干 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。 s en.wiktionary.2016
Less suds, more wallopFocuses on the commitment of National Broadcasting Co. (NBC) to its afternoon lineup and the soap opera genre. Details of the game plan of NBC senior vice president Sheraton Kalouria; Example of Kalouria's synergy efforts.Maloney, ...
Welcome to In the next few minutes, you are going to learn about a break-through appliance incorporating hi-tech NASA Space Certified Technology that totally Eliminates the Need for Laundry Detergent, Bleach, Fabric Softeners, and Hot Water for Washing! The financial benefit to the...
Reports on the launch of several low-carbohydrate beverages in the U.S. Market performance of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.'s Michelob Ultra; Carbohydrate content of Rock Green Light from Labbatts USA; Introductio...