This site contains hundreds of sudoku puzzles in printable PDF and HTML format. Each file contains 8 puzzles, 2 on every page, with solutions on the last page. The puzzles are standard sudoku puzzles with a 9 by 9 grid divided into 9 smaller 3 by 3 boxes.There are three difficulty level...
4x4:large(1) |medium(2) |small(6) 6x6:large(1) |medium(2) |small(6) 12x12:large(1) |medium(2) |small(6) 16x16:large(1) |medium(2) |small(6) Classic Monster Kids Squiggly Click the grid above for a printable page Size:mediumlargeCopies:1234 ...
Just click & Play sudoku online for free on mobile, tablet or computer, with 5 difficulty levels: easy, medium, hard, expert and evil. Also print sudoku for free and discover sudoku variants to play online or printable.
If you get stumped, the answers are on the second page of the printable PDF's. You can get started on solving these puzzles by first training with regular sudoku. We have a collection of free printables just for beginning solvers here: Easy Sudoku Puzzles. ...
Click the grid to download a printable version of the puzzle. Visit the archive for previous daily puzzles and solutions. Play online, print a Sudoku, solve and get hints using the new improved Draw/Play function. But how do I do it? The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes ...
SudoPy. A Python based sudoku project. Sudoku generator (five levels of difficulty), solver and difficulty rater. Create a printable pdf with as many problems from each difficulty level as you desire - BurnYourPc/Sudoku
You’ll find 50 differentfree printablesudokus here. That’s not all though. You can even fill in the form and choose how many sudoku grids you want and the difficulty level, including easy, medium, hard, and diabolic. Then you can print the puzzle for free!
Printable Puzzles > Printable Sudokus > Sudoku for KidsThese sudoku for kids have been specially designed for beginning puzzle solvers. There is no reason to limit sudokus to numbers - just about anything can be used in the grids, including letters and colors. These puzzles come in sets of...
Hypersudoku Magazine contains 100 printable hypersudoku puzzles to print from PDF format, one of the most popular and common sudoku variants...