英[suˈdəʊkuː] n.【游】数独 网络数独游戏;数读;数独游戏机 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 sudoku 显示所有例句 n. 1. 数独游戏(九个大方格中各有九个小方格,要求在空格中填数字一到九,且纵、横排各不重复)a number puzzle with nine squares, each containing nine smaller squares, in ...
Infinite sudoku and no ads to skip...? Am I in heaven?!? Carlos S. Favourite sudoku app since I... discovered sudoku! Kim L. J. I’m not good at sudoku at all and the easiest level seems to be created just form me XD Anyway... cool app and cool sudoku. Love the design...
Play sudoku puzzles online for free. Different sudoku puzzle levels, easy sudoku, medium sudoku, hard sudoku. Print sudoku for free.
大小写变形:Sudoku 实用场景例句 全部 Being able to playsudokuto my heart's content. 可以尽情玩数独(sudoku)游戏. 互联网 Sudokuis available from published sources and can be custom - made using software. 人们既可以在各种出版物中见到数独游戏,也可以定制用软件编写的数独游戏. ...
**Please note: This game is available only to eligible Motivv Health Studios ("Motivv") members.** Play the classic Sudoku brain puzzle game in this beautifu…
Sudokuis a logic puzzle with simple rules and challenging solutions. The rulesof sudoku are simple. You have to enter a numerical digit from 1 through 9 in each cell of a 9x9 grid made up of 3x3 regions, starting with various digits given in some cells. Each row, column, and region ...
How do I play Sudoku? Sudoku is a logic game so you just need to use your brain to play it! The goal is to fill the grid, so that each row, each column and each region of 3x3 boxes contains all the numbers from 1 to 9. See the rules of sudoku Glossary of game options: Clea...
Microsoft Sudoku 是世界上最棒的 Sudoku 應用程式,既能放鬆又能讓您腦力激盪。\n經典:\n遊玩您最喜愛的經典拼圖,挑戰 6 種難易度!優雅且簡潔,保證讓您腦力激盪。休暇之餘打開 Sudoku 應用程式,每個拼圖均為全新生成,將帶給您無盡的獨特經典 Sudoku 遊玩體驗。\n\n不
sudoku [ˌsʊ'doʊku] 【释义】 基本释义 数独,是一种源自18世纪末的瑞士,后在美国发展、并在日本得以发扬光大的数学智力拼图游戏。在一个9×9的方格中填入1-9的数字的数字解谜游戏, 不需用到任何算术知识。 【变形】 复数:sudokus 详细释义 n. 数独(一种填数游戏) ...