分享回复赞 计算机培训吧 home一样111 rhel7系统配置vnc服务器$ sudo systemctl stopvncserver@\:1.service$ sudo rm -rf /tmp/.X*$ sudo systemctl restartvncserver@:1.service2、分辨率调整针对当前用户:远程连接服务器后,直接对服务器分辨率设置即可。 分享回复赞 未来软件园吧 随便爱啥啥无悔 国产NTFS 磁盘...
systemctl enable httpd; systemctl start httpd 安装mariadb...:腾讯云服务器默认安装了mariadb、为了避免冲突需要先卸载在进行安装 rpm -qa | grep -i mariadb、rpm -e --nodeps 包名、配置mariadb yum源 yum...-y install mariadb-server maraidb-client; ;systemctl enable mariadb ;systemctl start ...
$ sudo ./svc.sh start Failed to start actions.runner._services.Linux-Host01.service: Unit actions.runner._services.Linux-Host01.service is not loaded properly: Exec format error. See system logs and 'systemctl status actions.runne 浏览25提问于2022-08-03得票数 -1 回答已采纳 1回答 如何通...
C compiler cc is not found 解决ubuntu下SSH无法连接的问题 安装SQL server2017后找不到SQL Server Management Studio Linux服务器怎么判断是否有重启 简述上行带宽和下行带宽 Extundelete 数据恢复 如何查看sqlserver数据库版本 Linux防DDOS的设置 Linux 磁盘压力测试脚本 Linux CPU压力测试脚本 MySql修改数据库编码为UTF...
npm install esm –save Next edit the package.json, put -r esm "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "start": "node -r esm server.js" },Resize a VirtualBox guest Linux VDI Disk under Windows Host 25 Saturday Apr 2020 Posted...
open the Terminal and runsudo ./install_service_systemd_mono.shYou need root permissions to install the service. The service will start on each logon. You can always stop it by runningsystemctl stop jackett.servicefrom Terminal. You can start it again it usingsystemctl start jackett.service....
例如,如果我有: [boot] command = service docker start 然后重新启动wsl。我得到以下信息: mryan ~ $service docker status * Docker is not running mryan ~ $service postgresql status 12/main (port 5432): online 同样,如果我从etc/wsl.conf中删除最后一行并重新启动wsl 浏览13提问于2022-02-28得票...
sudo yum install epel-release -ysudo yum install httpd -yFailed to start httpd.service尝试使用sudo systemctl start httpd.service启动服务时。我用谷歌搜索了很多,但找不到这个问题的根本原因。请帮助解决导致此问题的 浏览21提问于2017-07-07得票数 0...
yum install mariadb-server mariadb -y 启动MariaDB数据库 [linuxidc@localhost ~]$ systemctl start mariadb...tar -zxvf phpMyAdmin-4.8.3-all-languages.tar.gz yum install php70w-mbstring php70w-MySQL 可以直接使用yum命令来安装...apache的mod_php模块:yum install mod_php71w # systemctl restart ...
systemctl enable httpd; systemctl start httpd安装mariadb...:腾讯云服务器默认安装了mariadb、为了避免冲突需要先卸载在进行安装rpm -qa | grep -i mariadb、rpm -e --nodeps 包名、配置mariadb yum源 yum...-y install mariadb-server maraidb-client; ;systemctl enable mariadb ;systemctl start maria...