student@ubuntu1:~$ sudo su - [sudo] password for student: <Enter password for student> root@ubuntu1:~# passwd root Enter new UNIX password: <Enter new root password> Retype new UNIX password: <Re-enter new root password> passwd: password updated successfully root@ubuntu1:~# 现在,你可以...
student@ubuntu1:~$ sudosu-[sudo] passwordforstudent: <Enter passwordforstudent> root@ubuntu1:~# passwd rootEnter new UNIX password: <Enter new root password> Retype new UNIX password: <Re-enter new root password> passwd: password updated successfully root@ubuntu1:~# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6...
现在,要将 root 帐户变成一个合适的系统管理员,你只需为 root 帐户设置密码。 student@ubuntu1:~$sudosu- [sudo]passwordforstudent:<Enterpasswordforstudent> root@ubuntu1:~#passwdroot EnternewUNIX password:<Enternewroot password> RetypenewUNIX password:<Re-enternewroot password> passwd:password updated ...
student@ubuntu1:~$ su - Password: su: Authentication failure 认证失败的原因是因为 root 帐户没有密码、并且被锁定了。接下来,使用 sudo 命令查看 /etc/shadow 文件。 student@ubuntu1:~$ sudo cat /etc/shadow [sudo] password for student: root:!:17595:0:99999:7::: <截取> student:$6$tUB/y2dt...
1. 2. 3. 左右滑动查看完整代码这会失败,因为root帐户没有密码,被锁在外面。使用sudo命令查看/etc/shadow文件。 复制 student@ubuntu1:~$ sudo cat /etc/shadow [sudo] password for student: <enter the student password> root:!:17595:0:99999:7::: ...
student@ubuntu1:~$ sudo cat /etc/shadow [sudo] password for student: <enter the student password> root:!:17595:0:99999:7::: <snip> student:$6$tUB/y2dt$A5ML1UEdcL4tsGMiq3KOwfMkbtk3WecMroKN/:17597:0:99999:7::: <snip> I have truncated the results to show only the entry for ...
So the answer was to run the program as the “student” user and use thesudocommand as a prefix to the one command that required privileged access. Even in the middle of my presentation, typing in the password for the student user was easy. I also used this in my presentation as an ...
在切换到ksu用户后,由于ksu用户可能具有sudo权限(这取决于系统的配置和ksu用户的权限设置),我们可以使用sudo命令来创建一个名为student的用户组。具体命令如下: bash sudo groupadd student 这条命令会利用sudo的权限来执行groupadd命令,从而创建一个新的用户组student。 3. 将ksu用户添加到student用户组(如果需要) ...
Student ALL=(ALL) ALL %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL 示例2: student ALL=(root) /sbin/pidof,/sbin/ifconfig %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL 注意:别名名称必须是大写字母开头、数字下划线 别名示例3 User_Alias NETADMIN= netuser1,netuser2 Cmnd_Alias NETCMD = /usr/sbin/ip ...
So the answer was to run the program as the “student” user and use thesudocommand as a prefix to the one command that required privileged access. Even in the middle of my presentation, typing in the password for the student user was easy. I also used this in my presentation as an ...