Enable the shared clipboard(copy/paste) In VirtualBox manager click Settings > General > Advance > Change Shared clipboard & Drag and Drop to Bidirectional. Start your OS e.g. xubuntu, linux mint, etc2x. Once your OS is loaded successfully in VirtualBox click Devices > Install the Guest Ad...
/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/diskutil unmountDisk force /dev/disk1 This is a short term solution. Chances are you have one of the following shell initialization files and it has a broken export PATH .bash_profile .bash_login .profile .bashrc Use this command to see if you have any of thes...
cd /home/pi/.homebridge sudo nano config.json Then copy paste the basic config from Homebridge and add the necesssary config from the plugins. Save the file (Ctrl + X, Y, Enter) and fire up homebridge again. Good luck! PS. My config looks like this: { "bridge": { "name": "Home...